Address:13th Floor, Nanjing New Town Science and Technology Park Building1, No.69 Aoti Street, Jianye District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China



The research institute is committed to solve the increasingly serious issue of environmental contamination caused by non-degradable plastic waste. It therefore encompasses the research of new biodegradable materials as well as its rapid industrial application, and goes even deeper into upgrading traditional plastic processing equipment in order to manage the vast amount of hazardous traditional plastics. Having access to a broad spectrum of raw materials, combined with the ability to accurately determine product qualities thanks to in-house production, the development of new eco-friendly resources will be promoted quickly. Undoubtedly, the demand for completely biodegradable materials continues to grow not just domestically but on a global scale. At the same time, the application of non-degradable petroleum-based materials, which represent the traditional plastics industry, is actively obstructed. The upgrade of industrial material processing towards biodegradable plastic production will implicate a transformation towards greater total degradation of plastics within the global industry, while creating great economic value in the process. For a greener future!

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