Address:13th Floor, Nanjing New Town Science and Technology Park Building1, No.69 Aoti Street, Jianye District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China



1. International Cooperation

The Institute has collaborated horizontally with two laboratories, Limerick Pulp and Paper Research & Education Centre at UNB University in Canada, and Wood Science Technology Center. The R&D team for bio-based materials at the University of New Brunswick, Canada, led by academic Xiao Huining, the head of the laboratory, is collaborating with the Wurui Research Institute to develop new materials based on whole biomass resources such as starch, sugar cane and plant fiber. Its eligibility for packaging and application for disposable consumer products is evaluated accordingly.

Further, the development of innovative supporting fully biodegradable additives, including expansion links, plasticizers, nucleants, enhancers, etc. are studied to examine their characteristics and interactions. Wurui Research Institute is eventually responsible for large-scale industrial production of R&D results.

2. Educational Insitutions Cooperation

Moreover, a strategic partnership with Nanjing University's Bio-based Materials Research Insitute was established. Mutual benefits include the integration of resources,  including sharing transport and research facilities as well as investment expenses while realizing collaborative innovation based on learning efforts and collectively building up production. This contributes to the development of the bio-based materials industry and its innovation cluster in order to establish the "scientifically created enterprise forest" of the sector.

3. Business Incubation

Wurui Research Institute has founded 8 subsidiaries, 3 of which achieved sales of more than 10 million yuan in 2018.

4. Capital

In order to promote the high-quality development of Wurui Research Institute, it has joined forces with Nanjing Zijin Juan Investment Management Co. Ltd. to set up a Science and Technology Fund focusing on bio-based degradation of new materials. A total volume of 60 million yuan has been realized, while fund formation is steadily progressing.

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