Address:13th Floor, Nanjing New Town Science and Technology Park Building1, No.69 Aoti Street, Jianye District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China



Employees are the fundamental engine of corporate development and the driving force that serves society. Since the company was founded, it has fully implemented its talent-based strategy, by establishing and optimizing the mechanism of talent selection and application. The training has eminently paid attention to the needs and careers of employees at different stages of their development, making them feel the respect they deserve while striving to offer them a broader stage to realize their intrinsic value.

This career development design is a convenient approach as its assessment can be fixed, combined with the implementation of individual or team performance evaluation, education and training, job rotation and other systems to create an appropriate workplace environment as well as a benign competitive incentive mechanism.

Notice for Application:

Sounds suitable for you? Then log in directly to your future job!
Send us your resume online now directly to

Upon receipt of your resume, we will complete the screening within 10 business days, contact and potentially notify you regarding an interview.

For the interview please bring along the resume as well as a 2x2 inch photo. It will take place at:13th Floor, Nanjing New Town Science and Technology Park Building1, No.69 Aoti Street, Jianye District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China。

Feel free to contact 025-86514800 (Ms.Xuan) for further information.

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